Educational department
Electric Mobility and Magnetic Systems
The MIPT base department of “Electromobility and Magnetic Systems” was created on the basis of JSC «AmpereMagnete» (AMT&C Group) with the goal of improving the quality of education by using the results of research, new knowledge and achievements of science and technology in educational activities, expanding the research principle of teaching and the scientific component of educational activities, including attracting students to conduct research under the guidance of scientists.
Link to information on the website of the Physics and Technology School of Radio Engineering and Computer Technologies
AmpereMagnete plans to provide students of the department with the opportunity to undergo internships, provide students and graduate students with access to scientific experimental, research and auxiliary equipment of the organization to carry out experimental research .
This section will contain course programs, questions for tests and exams, descriptions of workshops and information about teachers.
Dear students! For all academic questions, please contact Deputy Head of the Educational Department, Ph.D. Alexander Nadkin
The Laboratory of Robotics and Electric Propulsion was created to carry out research and development work in three main areas:
1. Electric vehicle control unit.
2. Battery monitoring and management systems.
3. Integrated thermal control systems for electric vehicles.